Perpignan's Days of Applied Mathematics 2019

Perpignan's Days of Applied Mathematics 2ème édition

  • Du 13 au 14 juin

The aim of the conference is to discuss recent developments on Mathematical Analysis with potential applications to Mechanics and to provide a forum for fruitful interactions in related fields of research.

Thursday, May 30 2024 and Friday, May 31 2024

University of Perpignan Via Domitia, Moulin-à-vent
En savoir plus

 Organizing Committee  :
Mircea Sofonea,LAMPS, UPVD - More Informations : 04 68 66 17 65
Michel Cayrol, Sylvia Munoz, Joëlle Sulian, LAMPS, UPVD (logistical team)
Mise à jour le 2 juillet 2024